WalkerGems: Get Your A$& Off The Couch Book
WalkerGems: Get Your A$& Off The Couch Book
Expect 2 weeks for shipping. Free shipping. Paperbook. 158 pages.
In life, we can either make excuses or create results. In this book that Rosie Perez describes as "reinvigorating and inspiring," April Walker shares principles that are needed for the passion pursuit. In the handbook, WalkerGems: Get Your Ass Off The Couch, whether your self-employed, in startup mode, or desire fuel for the entrepreneurial journey, it prepares you to GO and GROW, moving forward towards success. Providing wisdom with experience, Walker covers many aspects that are translatable to life, helping one to push past fear, with practionable, actionable, and activating gems. This easy-to-digest must read is unconventionally packed with useful info, quotes, hashtags, pictures, and facts. April Walker is a fashion icon, culture creator, and serial entrepreneur who continues to inspire us with this book by knocking down apprehensions and offering essential advice to what can often be overwhelming and intimidating, especially in the beginning.